AlgoAnalytics: At a Glance

Our Company at a glance.

Social Media Analytics

Understanding the role of Social Media Analytics in Business Intelligence

Convolutional Neural Networks

An understanding of Convolutional Neural Networks: Deep Learning

Interview of our CEO

The Interview of Dr. Aniruddha Pant was conducted by members of the Data Science Community, India Chapter

Talks By our CEO: Application of Machine Learning for Financial Markets prediction

Aniruddha Pant speaks on "Application of Machine Learning for Financial Markets prediction" at The Fifth Elephant run up in Pune ThoughtWorks office on 5th July 2014

Talks By our CEO: On Data Science

A few key ideas in data science. This was done in a corporate training program to introduce key decision makers about salient aspects of data science

Machine Learning & Hospital Administration: A Case Study

Check out what machine learning can do when implemented by Hospital administrators for their operational services. We used historical data to test out and got results that could turn around ROIs for many hospitals suffering loses today

Machine Learning & Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) Infections: A Case Study

Large amounts of antibiotics used for human therapy result in the selection of pathogenic bacteria resistant to multiple drugs, creating a burden on medical care in hospitals, especially for patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU). Employing Machine learning techniques and building models, better approaches and preventive ways can thus be introduced to lower mortality rates & costs

Predicting Diabetes in Young Women

Diabetes is a major public health problem in the world. The total number of diabetic patients is expected to soar to 366 million in 2030.

BNP Paribas Cardif Claims Management

Claims management requires different levels of check before a claim like Death, Total or Permanent Disability, Hospitalization etc. can be approved and a payment can be made.

Prudential Life Insurance Assessment

Build a predictive model that: - Accurately classifies risk using an automated approach - Makes it quicker and less labor intensive for new and existing customers to get a quote while maintaining privacy boundaries.